Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

Surat Bisnis Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Surat bisnis merupakan surat yang digunakan baik perseorangan, instansi ataupun lembaga organisasi yang isinya untuk menyampaikan pesan – pesan bisnis secara tertulis dengan menggunakan media surat dengan beragam pelantara baik via pos, faksimili maupun media internet. Surat bisnis memiliki banyak jenis misalnya surat bisnis penawaran, surat bisnis perkenalan, surat bisnis pesanan dan masih banyak contoh surat bisnis yang lainya.

Meskipun teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berkembang begitu cepat dengan adanya telepon, telepon genggam, televisi, radio, telegram, feksimile, dan komputer, surat tampaknya masih merupakaan sarana penghubung atau komunikasi yang sangat penting bagi seseoran, kelompok, maupun organisasi pemerintah dan bisnis. Selain sebagai sarana komunikasi, surat bisnis juga sangat penting untuk hadir disetiap kerjasama antara perusahaan. lalu seperti apa contoh surat bisnis tersebut?

Baiklah para readers sekalian, pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membuat salah satu contoh surat bisnis dalam bentuk bahasa inggris dengan tujuan untuk berbagi ilmu juga sebgai tugas dari matakuliah softskill saya hehe… , sebab mungkin bisa jadi anda suatu saat nanti akan menjalin bisnis dengan relasi bisnis bule namun belum tahu bagaimana cara membuat surat bisinis dalam bahasa inggris. berikut ini salah satu contohnya :

  1.  Business Letters About Introduce A Company

Address : 6001 Bollinger Canyon Rd, San Ramon, California  94583 San Ramon, California 94.583 Website: www.chevron.com

Alibaba Group
610 Fountain Ave
Burlington, NJ 08016

22 June 2014

Designation,  General Manager Affair
Amstelveenseweg 500
Amsterdam  1081, Netherlands.

Dear Mr. Smith :

Through this letter, let us introduce our company to you. Our company named Alibaba Group Company is engaged in the distributor of office stationery.

According to the information we collect, Chevron group is a property company that is growing rapidly and will open again some marketing office in San Ramon, California. In this connection, let us offer some of stationery products that we market. Together with this letter we attach a list of items and their respective prices.

If your company needs our services, then simply contact us via telephone numbers (0265) 35412 and we’ll deliver the goods directly to the site. Further, we will send you an invoice each end of the month for transactions occurring in the corresponding month. We will give special discount if accumulated purchase within one month of more than $50 thousand.

We hope that this offer can proceed in a form of cooperation that benefits both parties. If Mr interested, we are ready to make presentations and conduct further discussed.
Thus we submit the offer letter, delivered thank you for your attention.


Mr. Carson

        2.  Business Letters About Meeting

ING, Inc.
300 Renaissance Center
Detroit, Michigan 48865

15 November 2016

Ms. Susan Smith
Supervisor of Product Development
Pet Supply Provider, Inc.
472 Canine Road
Los Angeles, California 90002

Dear Ms. Chaty:

It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference last week. As we discussed, I sincerely believe that the widget gizmo produced by Company, Inc. can greatly streamline your production process. If you are still willing, I would like to bring some of the key members of my team along with me to meet with you at Pet Supply Provider, Inc. We would like to give you an overview of our services and discuss with you the best plan to suit your needs.

Meeting in person would allow us to fully evaluate your wants and needs. Our team is available to meet any time this week or next. Please let me know, at your earliest convenience, when you would be available.


James Crattle

      3.  Business Letters About Dissolving Partnership

Total Group.
123 Alphabet Drive
Los Angeles, California 90002

15 December 2016

Dr. Kris Johnson
Marketing Representative
Creativity Plus, Inc.
824 Imagination Lane
Miami, Florida 33111

Dear Kris,

Working with Creativity Plus, Inc. for the past four months has been a wonderful experience. Regrettably, Company, Inc. no longer has need of your services. We have decided to move our company in a different direction, and that decision requires that we make a number of changes to our infrastructure. To that end, we have decided to keep all of our current marketing efforts in-house, so we can no longer make use of your marketing consultation services.

Thank you for the excellent work you have done for us. I hope to remain on good terms with you and Creativity Plus, Inc., and if we require services similar to what you have provided for us in the past, we would certainly like to consider you again.

Bradl regards, 

Baiklah para readers sekalian setelah kalian telah mengetahui contoh – contoh surat bisnis dalam bahasa inggris dengan berbagai tema yang berbeda, saya harap bias berguna yah bagi para readers sekalian, tapi belum sampai disini saya berbagi ilmu untuk anda. Saya akan menjelaskan apa sih perbedaan surat bisnis yang ditulis oleh orang amerika sama inggris, yap what different between american and britsh letters ???. Berikut penjesalan saya para readers :

1.      Heading
Untuk pembuatan heading atau kop surat dalam american style untuk format yang di gunakan lebih cendrung rata kiri atau aligned to the left. Nah sedangkan untuk british style sendiri biasanya ditempakan di sudut kanan atas surat atau terkadang ditengah surat.

2.      Date
Untuk penulisan tanggal pada surat British menggunakan format sebagai berikut 05 january 2014 ( day-month-year) dan sebelum penulisan tanggal british style menggunakan 2 blank spasi dibawah heading. Selanjutnya untuk American style penulisan tanggal yaitu sebagai berikut  oktober 19, 2005 ( month-day-year) dan American style memberikan 1 blank spasi sebelum menulis tanggal.

3.      Salutation
Salutation atau salam pembukaan terdapat pula perbedaannya. Untuk British style menggunakan seperti,  Dear Mr./MS. Alins, dear sir or madam, dear sirs , . Yang perlu kita ingat dalam British style setelah salam pembuka diahiri denang koma (,). Sedangkan untuk salutation American style akan menggunakan Dear Mr./MS. Smith: , dear sir or madam: , dear sirs: . Sebenarnya untuk salam pembuka hampir sama antara American & British style, hanya saja untuk amerikan penulisan salution akan diakhir dengan tanda titik dua ( : ).

4.      Complimentary Close
Comlimentary close atau salam penutup yang digunakan untuk mengakhiri isi surat yang telah disampaikan. Jika di dalam salam penutup untuk british style gunakan kata-kata berikut sincerely , yours sincerely , dan yours faithfully. Berbeda untuk American sytle dimana penggunaan kata penutup adalah sincerely, yours sincerely, dan yours trully.

Baiklah itu tadi perbandingan atau perbedaan penulisan surat bisnis yang menggunakan American style dan British style. Jika masih ada diantara para readers yang masih bingung saya akan berkenan memberikan contoh mana yang termasuk American business letters dan British business letters, Berikut contohnya :

·        American Business Letters

State Grid, Inc.
86 Xichang’an Ave
Beijing 10003
July 03, 2014

Mr. Xiao Dre
Customer Service Representative
Widgets Galore, Inc.
987 Widget Street
Miami, Florida 33111

Dear Mr. Dre :

I am writing you concerning a recent purchase of widgets. Approximately two weeks ago, on October 1, I ordered a total of 50 widgets for Company, Inc. via the Widgets Galore client webpage. I received an email notification two days later confirming the receipt of payment and the shipment of the widgets. According to your website, shipments should reach their destination within 3-5 business days of being sent, but I have yet to receive the widgets. Do you have any information on what may have happened to delay the shipment or where the shipment is currently?

I have worked with Widgets Galore, Inc. in the past and have the greatest confidence in your products and customer service. We need the shipment of widgets soon, however, and I hoped you might be able to provide me with an idea of when I can expect them. Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to offer.


·        British Business Letters

The Sport Shop
32 High Street, Folkestone Kent.
Tel: 091 82050. Fax: 091 2011. E-mail: thesports@xx.itl www.man.itx

15 Oktober 2015

Mr John Smith,
33 The Glades,
Folkestone Kent, CT20 2PR

Ref : your order KIT003

Dear Mr Joey,

Thank you for the order that you have placed for the full team kit, we wish to confirm that the order will consist of 12 red and white striped jerseys (size large) and 12 pairs of red socks with white trim  size (6-12).

We envisage that the delivery time on this order will be approximately 3 weeks from the date of this letter, however please be aware that we have experienced a slight delay on recent similar orders and there is a possibility that the order may take an additional 2 weeks beyond the expected date.

We can confirm that you will be invoiced for the foul amount of L195 plus VAT after the order has been received.

Once again we thank you for your custom and should there be any problem with your order than please do not hesitate to contact me during office hours on 091 82050.

Yours sincerely, 
Mr P Jones

Assistant Manager